[mythtv-users] HDPVR blaster setup final steps

Jarod Wilson jarod at wilsonet.com
Mon Jan 18 18:42:09 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 1:11 PM, steve <networks1 at cox.net> wrote:
> Having gotten my HDPVR ir blaster working, I'm trying to make the final
> changes necessary to have it start up properly and install a channel change
> script.  I'm consulting http://www.eggshellskull.com/lirc/blaster/index.php
> which was linked off the wiki page
> http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Using_an_IR_Blaster_with_MythTV.
> A few questions about this:
> (1) HDPVR wiki page says after the enabling steps (which I have done) the
> HDPVR is good to go except for a channel change script.  Do I need to do any
> of the stuff recommended on this page?

I'd stick to just what's on the HDPVR wiki page, most of the stuff on
other pages is for other devices (mostly serial).

> If not, I know I at least need to
> get modprobe lirc_zilog to run on startup. How do I accomplish that?

I think I covered that in reply to an earlier thread. Create an
executable shell script at /etc/sysconfig/modules/lirc.modules, and
put in it:

/sbin/modprobe lirc_zilog

> If I do need to do the stuff on this page, it is based on FC3 and not using
> a HDPVR therefore...
> (2) It says I need the following packages:
> Is that still correct?  The ones I currently have installed are:

No, you're fine.

> (3) It says to add the following to /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
> /sbin/modprobe lirc_i2c
> /sbin/modprobe lirc_serial
> /usr/sbin/lircd --device=/dev/lirc0 --output=/dev/lircd
> /usr/sbin/lircd --driver=default --device=/dev/lirc1 --output=/dev/lircd1
> --pidfile=/var/run/lircd1.pid
> Is this correct?  For example, do I need lirc_i2c and lirc_serial, or should
> these be replaces with lirc_zilog?  Also I don't have anything on /dev/lirc1
> (incoming remote is a Gyraton that's already configured), so I should omit
> that line?

Don't do any of that.

> (4) It advises to edit modprobe.conf as follows:
> alias char-major-61-0 lirc_i2c
> alias char-major-61-1 lirc_serial
> options lirc_serial irq=4 io=0x3f8
> ####IR setup####
> install lirc_i2c /sbin/modprobe ivtv; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install
> lirc_i2c
> install lirc_serial setserial /dev/ttyS0 uart none; /sbin/modprobe
> --ignore-install lirc_serial
> Again I'm not confident this stuff matches the HDPVR setup.  How to modify?

Don't do any of that either.

You're making it way harder than it really is. :)

Just set the module to load on startup using the lirc.modules trick,
grab the channel-change script from Mark's Braindump, modify it for
your specific codeset, configure MythTV to use it for changing
channels for your hdpvr recording devce. Done (since you've already
got the lircd.conf in place).

Now, you *do* know that there have been reports of varying degrees of
instability using the IR part in the HD PVR, right? It has a nasty
habit of leading to the HD PVR itself deadlocking (doesn't take out
the computer its attached to, but the HD PVR is useless until its
fully reset).

Jarod Wilson
jarod at wilsonet.com

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