[mythtv-users] LCD and traditional CRT TVs, overscan and UI size and widget placement

Brian J. Murrell brian at interlinx.bc.ca
Thu Nov 12 15:26:49 UTC 2009

To add just a bit more info to this thread for anyone who might benefit
from it in the future, on a gnome desktop with panel(s), unless you can
make your GUI window the same size as the screen, your myth window will
sit "under" the panels.  I guess a window being the same dimensions as
the screen is gnome's hint to "get out of the way".

The implication of this is of course, if your screen has overscan you
can't make the UI window the same size as the screen or you lose parts
of it into the overscan and then of course the fallout is that the myth
window sits under the panels.

Despite the myth UI window sitting under the panels, playback still uses
a full screen window and successfully hints to gnome to "get out of the
way".  So this is not terrible.  Panels while you are at the UI but no
panels while playing back.

Unless!!  You use compiz.  If you use compiz, the panels continue to sit
on top of even playback, even with the "legacy full screen" compiz
workaround enabled.  Sadly.

For non shared desktop/mythfe machines, no biggie.  Who needs compiz
there anyway.  But for shared machines, not so great.


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