[mythtv-users] Building 0.22 from source

Yan Seiner yan at seiner.com
Tue Nov 10 17:50:28 UTC 2009

I have 2 nearly identical machines.  One builds 0.22 just fine, the other

selene can't find the x11 files:

# Video Output Support
x11 support               no
OpenGL video              yes
OpenGL vsync              yes
DirectFB                  yes
Fribidi formatting        no
MHEG support              yes

I've installed all of the -dev files that are on the other machine, no joy.

Is there some way to turn on the verbosity of ./configure?  I can't figure
out what is failing on selene.  If I could see teh test that's failing, I
could fix it but configure doesn't show enough to tell me what's going on.

   ,>/'_         o__
   (_)\(_)       ,>/'_          o__
A day may come  (_)\(_)         ,>/'_      o__
when the courage of men fails, (_)\(_)     ,>/'_                      o__
when we forsake our friends and break all (_)\(_)                     ,>/'_
bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. But it is not this day! (_)\(_)

This day we ride!

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