[mythtv-users] how to change URL's in mythweb?

Chris Petersen lists at forevermore.net
Wed Dec 13 19:34:27 UTC 2006

How to change the URL's what?  What the heck is an "in mythweb"?  (fyi,
no apostraphe to make a plural)

Christopher Holmes wrote:
> The README says all config is done in .htaccess, but I don't see how
> to change the URL in there.

It's in mythweb's settings area.  "video URL" or something like that.
It doesn't work quite how you think, though, since the main thing to do
would be to put in a file:// URI that points to a locally-mounted fileshare.

> Right now I'm seeing URL's like
> myth:// on my PC--not the myth
> box, so the IP address is wrong, too.

That would be because you're using windows, and your mythbox is
configured improperly to think that your backend server is localhost
instead of its real IP.  Mythweb assumes by default (though this will
change for .21) that windows users are using the dsmyth filters and want
to stream directly from the backend.

> I can SSH the files for now, but it's a pain to figure out the filename.

The other thing you can do, and this has been mentioned countless times
on this list, is to edit the video_url function so that it doesn't print
the myth:// URI at all.


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